Monday, October 29, 2007
my 1st vector

randomly dripes

my rock climbing design
soul rider @ 10:13 PM

underground warrior

full picture left to right:
tip17, aceh, locase, dripes, libre.

locase the guru...

tip17 and aceh doin the flow...

libre with the evil look...

dripes with the tangkai....
soul rider @ 9:59 PM

Sunday, October 14, 2007
AVP production

1st proddy ever with NFG and SVC...
tirind and thirsty on the puasa day, hehhee...
enjoy viewing it!

full production: from left (tip17), (aceh). (drip'es), (libre)

tip 17 with his sexy butt...

aceh the charming way...

dripes in the selekey way...

libre with all the patient...
soul rider @ 11:31 PM


EXCEPT the heaven had come so near
So seemed to choose my door
The distance would not haunt me so
I had not hoped before.

But just to hear the grace depart
I never thought to see
Afflicts me with a double loss
'T is lost, and lost to me.

- Emily Dickinson